Saturday, September 6, 2008

Second Annual 4CU Labor Day Rally

Over the extended Labor Day weekend, a bunch of us 4CU'ers got together at the Canyon Resort and RV Park in Williams, AZ. We had a great time seeing old friends and making some new ones. I say we because my wife, Julie came along on this trip. She's particular to having showers and full-hookups. We had eleven Airstreams and twenty-two folks in attendance. One of the highlights was Dale "PeeWee" Schwamborn and his wife Susan joined us on Sunday for the open house, potluck and campfire stories. Thanks Dale for your support and great stories. It was very much appreciated. What a great addition to have Dale share his caravanning experiences. Several of us went up to the south rim of the Grand Canyon but the weather was not really cooperating for any dynamic photos but we did manage to get a few. On Sunday, before the potluck, we played a card game and the winner received a scale model of an Airstream. The lucky winners were Bob and Lou Whitcomb from Dolores, CO. 

Stay tuned for the next 4CU Labor Day rally. Since last year was Winslow, we'll need to find another AZ town beginning with a 'W' to rally in. Maybe Wickenburg or Wickeup, Winkleman or possibly Wittmann, Winona or Whiteriver. There's also Window Rock and Willcox or Why. So many choices.


Rob & Zoe' Baker said...


Do you know Pee Wee well? Wondering if he'd be on the VAP? That would be a cool show.

Also, where did you get that Airstream Trailer's neon? Love it!!!

Brad Norgaard said...

Yea, I know PeeWee fairly well although that was the first I met him. He'd be honored to be on the VP, I'm sure. I'll ask him. Also, you should do an episode with your three wives in attendance. It'd be interesting to hear all of their comments about their husband's aluminitus.

Brad Norgaard said...

The Airstream neon came from an Ebay auction. Guy had an actual neon clock. I took off the hands in PhotoShop and printed one out in color and put it on a battery-operated wall clock. I'll post a picture of it soon.