Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Aluminitus is Genetic

Well, my younger brother Barry, in central Iowa, has now gone out and bought a '62 Overlander. One I actually was turned onto so I passed the contact info and photos along to him. He's so jazzed about it and calls me almost daily for information about the proper size rivets, parts sources, vent caps, tools, types of aluminum, etc. I love it and am hopeful it will continue. If it takes aluminitus to get us to communicate more often then it isn't really a disease; its a blessing. His first order of business is similar to the physician's hypocratic oath; render no harm. So he's buttoning up or replacing the vent caps and replacing the seal around the entry door.


Frank Yensan said...

You brother made a great buy. Hope he starts a blog about it too. I will also be glad to let him know where all the rot and bad metal is...

Brad Norgaard said...

Thanks Frank. I'm sure he could use the info.

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